Trails, Parks and Open Space
Natural/historic/cultural asset
Sometimes the most important aspect of a place has everything to do with what is there now, what happened there or what has been there historically. The Natural/Historic/Cultural Asset place type is intended to respect and preserve such places of importance. Protected assets can include historical structures, special habitat or areas identified as a place of significance. Key features can include a peripheral vehicular road with more limited access through the amenity, neighborhood pedestrian and bike connections, and parking limited to on-street spaces along the perimeter road and small parking lots near a few trailheads. Unlike other place types, the density adjacent to these place types is much lower, scaling up as one moves away from the asset. The surrounding land use context is primarily single-family residential neighborhoods with a character strongly influenced by the natural, historic or cultural asset. Appropriate areas include the World Heritage Corridor (Mission San Antonio de Valero [Alamo] to Mission San Francisco de la Espada), military assets and the San Antonio River Authority Plan (e.g., San Pedro Creeks Project).
Major Determinant
A natural, historic, or cultural asset.
Relation to VIA Supportive Development Typologies
One of three typologies corresponding to VIA’s Urban Center typology.
Predominant Land Uses
Detached single-family residential with attached single-family residential and multifamily residential farther from the asset.
Performance Standards
Height: 1 to 2-story development or 20 to 350 feet
Massing and Density: 2 to 10 housing units per acre and 0.25:1 to 1:1 Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Street Level Activation: Transparency along primary street of 35%; transparency along side street of 15%
Connectivity: Maximum block perimeter of 1,600 feet; minimum 75 intersections per square mile
Public Space: Plazas and park spaces totaling 20 acres per 1,000 residents
Parking: On-street and off-street parking
Potential Locations
The Natural/Historic/Cultural Asset place type is appropriate adjacent to those assets. The map above shows areas within ¼-mile of natural, historic and cultural assets around San Antonio with an area of five acres or larger.