Our continued growth and development as a city can help us achieve our vision for 2040. It will require a shift in the way we are doing things now, and the public and private investments necessary to accommodate 1.1 million additional residents can be leveraged to improve livability, sustainability and inclusivity across the entire community.

Complete Neighborhoods

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A complete neighborhood provides residents safe and convenient access to the goods and services they need on a daily or regular basis. This includes a range of housing options, grocery stores and other neighborhood-serving commercial services, quality public schools, public open spaces, recreational facilities and access to frequent transit.


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Nearly all of San Antonio’s regional centers and urban centers are located along or at the intersection of major transportation corridors. Attractive, multimodal corridors will help connect regional and urban centers to each other.

Urban Centers

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San Antonians need and deserve walkable, mixed-use destinations outside of the regional centers. Urban centers will provide these opportunities and in certain instances, can serve as the nucleus of a future regional center.

Regional Centers

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A major organizing element for the Comprehensive Plan is to focus growth in these regional centers, building on the existing pattern of development. They’re envisioned as new 'places' where we live, work and play.