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The Comprehensive Plan and VIA Vision 2040 Plan share the Community Corridor place type. Community Corridors are commercial areas with limited available land that may surround a transit facility (typically a bus stop). They are focused on an infill development and redevelopment approach to corridor revitalization. They can be transformed over time through adaptive reuse and infill strategies and reinvention of auto-oriented strip malls. Land uses include higher-density residential and commercial mixed-use. Future development should maintain a necessary parking supply and visibility for key retail sites. An improved streetscape should frame higher-intensity uses, mixed with existing retail and new development that better relates to the corridor and its pedestrian realm. Roosevelt, Perrin Beitel, Pleasanton and Zarzamora are potential candidates for the Community Corridor place type.

Major Determinant

Arterial or collector corridor with adjacent commercial uses and a transit facility.

Relation to VIA Supportive Development Typologies

Aligns with the Community Corridor typology.

Predominant Land Uses

Mixed-use development, retail, restaurants and multifamily residential.

Performance Standards

Height: 2 to 5-story development or 35 to 70 feet

Massing and Density: 10 to 30 housing units per acre and 1:1 to 4:1 Floor Area Ratio (FAR)

Street Level Activation: Transparency along primary street of 50%; transparency along side street of 20%

Connectivity: Maximum block perimeter of 1,200 feet; minimum 90 intersections per square mile

Public Space: Plazas and park spaces totaling 10 acres per 1,000 residents

Parking: On-street and off-street parking (mix of surface and structured parking)

Potential Locations

The Community Corridor place type is appropriate along existing commercial corridors. The map above illustrates the majority of commercial corridors throughout the city. It also highlights several conceptual locations for the Community Corridor place type where the conditions are known to be conducive for this style of development.