Plan Hierarchy
Plan Hierarchy
The following is the revised approach and hierarchy for San Antonio’s Comprehensive Planning component of the CPP. The SA Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan is the guiding document that directs the city’s long range development efforts and the other types of plans utilized by the city. The intent of a revised hierarchy is to ensure that planning at all levels in San Antonio is completed in an efficient and effective manner with meaningful participation and buy-in from neighborhoods, property owners, business owners, partner agencies, major institutions and other key stakeholders. The four planning levels are described below:
Level 1:
Regional Plans are developed in collaboration with partner agencies to guide regional and multi-jurisdictional services and/or infrastructure investments. Not all plans at the Regional Plan level of the CPP necessarily address a full regional geography, as many regional planning efforts coordinate interjurisdictional strategies, policies and investments with neighboring cities and counties at a smaller geographic scale.
Level 2:
Citywide Functional Plans direct specialized components of city planning such as transportation, economic development, housing, natural resources and sustainability.
Level 3:
Sub-Area Plans provide detailed strategies regarding land use, transportation, infrastructure and facilities for specific geographies, such as regional centers, corridors and neighborhood groupings, aligning them with higher level plans.
Level 4:
Specific Plans address smaller scale geographies and are focused on implementation. Examples of these types of plans include San Antonio’s airport, station area plans, area reinvestment plans and special purpose places and facilities such as Hemisfair.