Jobs and economic competitiveness
Goals and policies
A willingness to question the status quo and consider alternative approaches will allow our city to remain nationally competitive and has the added benefit that multiple plan goals can be realized through the implementation of a single new approach. The goals and policies that will drive jobs and economic development are linked with other important policy directives, including land use, transportation and environmental sustainability. The same policies that will support attraction of young, skilled workers to San Antonio and leverage the unique polycentric pattern of regional economic centers also align perfectly with strategies for creating higher-density, mixed-use developments to help accommodate the addition of 1.1 million people to the San Antonio area, while also improving transportation options to limit reliance on cars. Each also has environmental benefits for air quality, water conservation and cleaning and managing stormwater.
The five Jobs and Economic Competitiveness goals address the key issues identified above and provide the framework for the policies and actions the City will take as a result of the SA Tomorrow process. The policies are not associated with specific goals, but are grouped by common themes.
Jobs and Economic Competitiveness Goals
- JEC Goal 1
Employment is focused in the city’s 13 Regional Centers, in site-specific locations in Urban Centers and along mobility corridors, providing easy connectivity for San Antonio’s residents and businesses.
- JEC Goal 2
Traditional and targeted growth industries support San Antonio’s diversified economy and provide a wide range of job opportunities.
- JEC Goal 3
San Antonio’s skilled and educated workforce supports the city’s traditional and emerging growth industries.
- JEC Goal 4
San Antonio’s economic environment fosters innovation and attracts new and innovative businesses, investment and industries.
- JEC Goal 5
San Antonio plays an important role in the regional, national, and international economy.
Jobs and Economic Competitiveness Policies
JEC P1: JEC P1: Target and incent job growth within the city’s target industries, including: Healthcare, biosciences, life sciences and scientific R&D; Information technology and cybersecurity; Advanced manufacturing (Aero, Auto, Heavy Equipment); New Energy (Solar, Battery, Natural Gas); and Cultural and Creative Industries.
JEC P2: Market and promote the city’s assets within target industries nationally and internationally.
JEC P3: Align regional centers and other employment centers with target industries and market these areas to prospective businesses.
JEC P4: Market San Antonio’s competencies and competitive advantages in cloud computing, big data, hosting and cybersecurity.
JEC P5: Invest in the creation, development and redevelopment of employment hubs that allow for the collocating of businesses within target industries.
JEC P6: Identify one or more regional centers to create an innovation district to serve as the center of the innovation economy within San Antonio (e.g., Downtown or Medical Center).
JEC P7: Support collective impact initiatives that identify, prioritize and support accountability in the execution of comprehensive workforce development strategies that ensure the entire spectrum of San Antonio citizens have access to the training that can connect them to gainful employments.
JEC P8: Identify talent gaps that are critical constraints for targeted industry growth and coordinate short and long-term comprehensive solutions to close those talent gaps for both targeted and traditional industries through partnership with high schools, community colleges, universities and other training providers and intermediaries.
JEC P9: Pursue alignment of P-16 educational institutions and training providers to create clear, connected and continuous career pathways that also provide opportunities for internships, apprenticeships and job training for all students.
JEC P10: Invest in the alignment of efforts and resources that help connect residents of chronically distressed areas, underserved or underrepresented residents, the formerly incarcerated and other populations secure wrap-around services that can help mitigate challenges securing training and job opportunities.
JEC P11: Work with the city’s economic partners to identify opportunities for increasing export activities and foreign direct investment into San Antonio and San Antonio’s businesses.
JEC P12: Engage trade groups, target industry representatives and investors on a regular basis in order to educate interested parties on the opportunities and assets that exist in San Antonio.
JEC P13: Execute the 2015 Trade and Investment Strategy through support for partners such as the Free Trade Alliance of San Antonio and the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation through regular communication and targeted joint efforts.
JEC P14: Work with other communities in the Central/South Texas region to market the area’s strengths and highlight each community’s unique assets.
JEC P15: Work to identify common projects with communities along the Austin-San Antonio corridor and begin to plan as a region.
JEC P16: Leverage the major assets within San Antonio’s traditional industries to bring attention to other economic opportunities within San Antonio.
JEC P17: Market the strength of San Antonio’s traditional industries to attract additional economic activity.
JEC P18: Partner with the city’s major public and governmental assets, public institutions and major employers to create public-private partnerships that generate economic activity out of public institutions.
JEC P19: Identify ways to reduce barriers to entry for new businesses.
JEC P20: Ensure that the city fosters an innovative business climate that is open to new technologies.
JEC P21: Cluster businesses within similar and compatible industries and public institutions geographically to encourage increased interaction and collaboration.
JEC P22: Partner with the military to identify ways to generate business creation that supports and leverages military activities in the city.
JEC P23: Attract a skilled and educated workforce by providing a greater diversity of employment opportunities in targeted industries.
JEC P24: Continue to support San Antonio’s traditional industries as entryways for needed entry-level positions for a growing population.
JEC P25: Continue efforts to revitalize the urban core and encourage creation of other mixed-use nodes in order to create environments attractive to young professionals and other workers.
JEC P26: Create the modern workplaces and walkable neighborhoods that will attract young professionals.
JEC P27: Invest in quality-of-life and livability amenities (i.e. public spaces, civic amenities, parks and trails, public libraries, multimodal transportation options) that are attractive to innovative businesses and their employees.
JEC P28: Create and support social networks and programs that allow for the interaction of businesses, education institutions and the San Antonio workforce.
JEC P29: Develop master plans for the regional centers to align land use with future development demand and to direct industries to the appropriate regional centers.
JEC P30: Coordinate economic development efforts and land use plans to encourage and incentivize employment growth within regional centers and along transit corridors.
JEC P31: Create gathering places that encourage interactions between people within regional centers and along transit and other transportation corridors.
JEC P32: Enhance and increase connectivity for multiple modes of transportation to and from regional centers and other employment hubs.
JEC P33: Encourage the appropriate mixture of industries and uses within regional centers by identifying each center’s market strengths, and niches and uses that support these strengths.
JEC P34: Provide needed support to the large redevelopment projects to catalyze employment growth (Port San Antonio, Brooks, Texas A&M University-San Antonio, and Hemisfair).
JEC P35: Prioritize and catalyze development with infrastructure investments that facilitate new development in priority growth areas.
JEC P36: Identify and invest in opportunities to retrofit existing infrastructure to allow for a mixture of uses and facilitate denser development.
JEC P37: Invest in the infrastructure needed to support the growth of San Antonio’s target industries.
JEC P38: Prioritize traditional infrastructure investments such as road and rail projects that support the growth of San Antonio’s traditional industries.
JEC P39: Invest in and leverage emerging infrastructure investments that provide increased communication and connectivity that support San Antonio’s traditional industries.