Community health and wellness
Community health and wellness Introduction
Safe, healthy and well-educated citizens of all ages are the basis of a prosperous and high-quality city. Policies and programs that increase access to multimodal transportation, parks and open space, recreation activities, healthy foods, healthcare services and educational opportunities all enhance community health in San Antonio.
Healthcare is a major economic driver in Bexar County, and San Antonio residents have access to numerous high-quality healthcare resources. In spite of that, many in the San Antonio community face serious health challenges. In 2016, of 241 measured counties in Texas, Bexar County ranked 81st in overall health outcomes, 31st in health behaviors, 61st in length of life and 148th in quality of life. In 2014, almost 1 in 3 residents was obese, while 1 in 7 had diabetes.
Health outcomes in San Antonio must improve. As in many other elements, it’s clear that “business as usual” can’t continue. The Community Health and Wellness (CHW) goals and policies were developed to meet the six health and wellness challenges for our City that follow.