Action |
Description |
Air Quality |
Economic Vitality |
Equity |
Resilience |
Water Resources |
H A1 |
Develop the use of incentive programs such as ICRIP and others to incent the development of affordable housing. |
H A2 |
Develop creative approaches to increasing flexibility for the allocation of housing resources to increase leverage of resources through partnerships. |
H A3 |
Develop revisions to the Unified Development Code (UDC) to increase the ability to develop a variety of housing types. |
H A4 |
Implement public financing tools, such as tax increment, that can be used to incentivize and/or fund the development of affordable housing. |
H A5 |
Create a senior age-in-place strategy. |
H A6 |
Develop a program to encourage and reduce barriers for universal design in housing rehabilitation. |
H A7 |
Continue targeted use of housing resources. |
H A8 |
Create an incentive program for the development of housing units affordable to households earning below 80% of AMI. |
H A9 |
Create an incentive program for the development of housing units affordable to households earning under 120% of AMI. |
H A10 |
Create a program to provide incentives to employers who create employer-assisted housing programs. |
H A11 |
Designate the City Housing Counseling Program and the Fair Housing Council of Greater San Antonio as primary resources for residents. |
H A12 |
Develop a relocation assistance program. |
H A13 |
Plan and host an annual housing summit. |
H A14 |
Conduct an internal systematic assessment of City of San Antonio ordinances and policies to better understand their impact on displacement and neighborhood change. |
H A15 |
Develop inclusionary housing policies for residential development. |
H A16 |
Develop a plan and timeline for the issuance of a housing bond. |
H A17 |
Pursue ongoing sources of funds to be utilized by the San Antonio Housing Trust and nonprofit housing providers. |
H A18 |
Create a community land trust. |
H A19 |
Explore the creation of a neighborhood empowerment zone and other tools to provide targeted property tax relief for long-time residents. |
H A20 |
Develop a specific measure of displacement, based on objective criteria, to inform public discussion and planning efforts. |
H A21 |
Develop a specific measure of income segregation and/or mixed income neighborhoods based on objective criteria, to inform public discussion and planning efforts. |
H A22 |
Develop a better measure of walkable neighborhoods to inform public discussion and planning efforts. |
H A23 |
Develop a Healthy Housing Index incorporating data regarding substandard housing issues that affect public health outcomes (i.e. asthma, lead toxicity, etc.). |
H A24 |
Incorporate Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) strategies that achieve HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AAFH) Rule into appropriate Comprehensive Planning Program efforts (Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 plans). |