Public facilities and community safety
Goals and policies
A willingness to question the status quo and consider alternative approaches will allow our city to remain nationally relevant. The goals and policies that drive the development of public facilities and provide for enhanced community safety are critical to the creation of vibrant, mixed-use places that will allow our city to achieve land use, community development, economic development and environmental sustainability goals.
The following goals were developed to address the key issues identified and to provide the framework for the policies and actions the City will take as a result of the SA Tomorrow process. The policies are not associated with specific goals, but are grouped by common themes.
Public Facilities and Community Safety Goals
- PFCS Goal 1
San Antonio has a 21st century infrastructure that supports the existing and future growth of the city.
- PFCS Goal 2
The City has an environment of continuous quality improvement that ensures its facilities and services adequately support the existing and future growth of San Antonio.
- PFCS Goal 3
All San Antonio residents have the opportunity to live in safe and resilient neighborhoods.
- PFCS Goal 4
Students in San Antonio have access to quality education and perform at a high level. (See also GCF Goal 8)
- PFCS Goal 5
San Antonio is a leader in energy conservation and providing clean, renewable energy for residents and businesses. (See also NRES Goal 5)
- PFCS Goal 6
San Antonio is a model for innovative recycling and solid waste diversion programs that deliver ongoing community benefits. (See also NRES Goal 8)
- PFCS Goal 7
All San Antonio residents have equitable quality of and access to a variety of park, trail and open space amenities.
Public Facilities and Community Safety Policies
PFCS P1: Provide a variety of amenities at varying scales in each neighborhood city-wide.
PFCS P2: Orient new neighborhoods and new development around parks, schools and public facilities including libraries.
PFCS P3: Continue to implement recommendations from the Parks and Recreation System Strategic Plan.
PFCS P4: Review and amend current parks dedication requirements in the Unified Development Code (UDC) to ensure they yield the type and size of parks that are identified as needs in the Parks and Recreation Systems Strategic Plan.
PFCS P5: Periodically reevaluate and update park dedication requirements in the UDC to adjust for inflation of acquisition, construction and long-term maintenance costs.
PFCS P6: Develop a long term plan for libraries based on community need.
PFCS P7: Develop public and private partnerships to provide cultural amenities throughout the community.
PFCS P8: Develop a plan for the development of downtown and other regional centers as destinations of choice for major public and private facilities.
PFCS P9: Promote development that leverages and protects the public’s investment in major green infrastructure and natural resources projects (such as the San Antonio River Improvements Project and other creek and trail restoration projects). (See also GCF P31)
PFCS P10: Develop and regularly update a comprehensive site and building plan review process to coordinate new development and capital improvements between the City, school districts and developers for new neighborhoods, schools and public facilities including libraries and parks.
PFCS P11: Systematically evaluate and identify infrastructure that is at or near the end of its lifespan or that operates at or above recommended capacity.
PFCS P12: Plan for the expansion of the water treatment and waste water treatment plants to accommodate projected growth in population.
PFCS P13: Implement stormwater infrastructure management best practices that balance well-developed and well-maintained regional and site-specific stormwater infrastructure (i.e., gray and green infrastructure). (See also GCF P23 and NRES P17)
PFCS P14: Continue to manage the capacity and transmission capabilities of the storm drainage network to prevent degradation of natural resources. (See also NRES P19)
PFCS P15: Upgrade existing City infrastructure with green stormwater management solutions. (See also NRES P23)
PFCS P16: Continue partnering with utility providers to regularly update utility planning efforts and review processes to ensure easements and distribution systems are and will continue to be adequate.
PFCS P17: Continue to regularly evaluate and require adequate capacity and timing of infrastructure concurrent with private development.
PFCS P18: Continue to design and implement emergency response services appropriate for narrower rights-of-way supportive of human-scale, walkable development patterns.
PFCS P19: Coordinate with school districts to identify potential school sites, especially those planned in regional centers and other future growth areas.
PFCS P20: Support and invest in existing schools and their neighborhoods.
PFCS P21: Promote innovative educational opportunities within priority growth areas of the city to drive market demand for housing.
PFCS P22: Encourage innovative educational opportunities throughout San Antonio, including in traditionally underserved areas, in order to elevate educational attainment and quality.
PFCS P23: Collaborate with and provide support to underperforming independent school districts to enhance access and improve performance.
PFCS P24: Increase funding and support for early childhood education programs in underperforming school districts.
PFCS P25: Encourage cooperative, flexible design of school facilities to ensure maximum use and potential for adaptive reuse as continuing neighborhood resources.
PFCS P26: Establish regulations to minimize waste generation through effective waste reduction, reuse and recycling. (See also NRES P42)
PFCS P27: Prioritize the purchase of recycled materials in City facilities and programs. (See also NRES P43)
PFCS P28: Incentivize alternative forms of clean energy and expand systems for its provision.
PFCS P29: Partner with utility providers to offer a renewable energy purchase choice and to expand renewable energy rebate programs.
PFCS P30: Explore fee waiver programs to encourage renewable energy options in new development.
PFCS P31: Promote policies and regulations which maximize the energy efficiency of all City buildings and facilities. (See also NRES P29)
PFCS P32: Create policies requiring all existing City of San Antonio-owned buildings be brought up to green building standards by 2040. (See also NRES P31)
PFCS P33: Promote and expand weatherization programs for existing buildings. (See also NRES P33)
PFCS P34: Regularly review ordinances regarding energy infrastructure and transmission components and revise, if necessary and possible, to ensure resident health and safety.
PFCS P35: Enhance public safety facilities and services (such as police, fire, and other emergency services) and neighborhood resilience, including safety awareness and educational programs, animal control and other issues impacting neighborhoods.
PFCS P36: Strategically locate police, fire and emergency medical services in existing and growth areas to continue to provide and enhance effective and efficient services and response times.
PFCS P37: Expand implementation of San Antonio’s Complete Streets Policy to ensure that the city’s rights-of-way are planned, designed and operated to provide safe access for all users.
PFCS P38: Develop a system of safe routes to schools and other public activity areas; create partnerships with businesses, schools, and other organizations to establish the system and to promote the program. (See also CHW P26)
PFCS P39: Develop a system of safe routes to transit. Work with AAMPO, TxDOT and VIA to identify priorities and funding to implement the system.