
In an era of increasing costs and limited resources, our City must invest in transportation improvements wisely. We seek to be a world leader in mobility and connectivity; to do so requires a holistic and innovative approach to our entire transportation system, and a more nuanced understanding of how people will choose to move about our city over the next 25 years. It will be crucial to coordinate efforts among City departments and between the City and VIA to ensure efficient transportation and mobility investments in the coming years.

The City took an important step toward efficient management of transportation planning and investment by creating the Transportation and Capital Improvements Department (TCI) in January 2014. TCI combines the former Public Works and Capital Improvements Management Services departments. The newly combined department employs over 800 people dedicated to meeting the infrastructure and transportation needs of our city. TCI is also the lead department on the Multimodal Transportation Plan, and will be instrumental in implementing the recommendations of that plan.

TCI manages the City’s five-year rolling Bond Program that funds over $500 million of capital improvement projects and other high-profile capital projects like the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center expansion and the San Antonio Airport projects. Future Bond Programs should fund important infrastructure and mobility investments in our city’s regional centers, particularly in coordination with corresponding investments from VIA.

Considering the scale of our City’s Bond Program and other transportation investments, we must prioritize projects carefully to yield the most effective and impactful results. The Transportation and Connectivity policies in this Plan call for prioritization of projects based on long-term cost-effectiveness and value, emissions and VMT reductions, coordination with other large-scale projects and considerations of a project’s full life cycle costs.