Transportation and connectivity
Goals and policies
The City of San Antonio supports the creation of walkable, bikeable and transit-oriented places, looking towards our City’s environmental, community health and economic aspirations. The eight Transportation and Connectivity goals address the key issues identified above and provide the framework for the policies and actions the City will take as a result of the SA Tomorrow process. The policies are not associated with specific goals, but are grouped by common themes.
Eight goals were developed to address the key issues identified and provide the framework for the policies and actions the City will take resulting from the SA Tomorrow process.
Transportation and Connectivity Goals
- TC Goal 1
San Antonio has a world class multimodal transportation system, providing safe and comfortable connectivity to residential, commercial, education, cultural, healthcare, and recreation opportunities.
- TC Goal 2
San Antonio’s transportation system supports the city’s competiveness in the regional, national, and international economy.
- TC Goal 3
San Antonio’s transportation and connectivity networks support a high quality of life and strong, healthy communities.
- TC Goal 4
San Antonio builds, manages and maintains its transportation and connectivity system cost-effectively in order to meet current and future needs and expectations.
- TC Goal 5
San Antonio provides a range of convenient, safe and comfortable active transportation options for all users and abilities and many regularly use multimodal options such as walking, biking and transit. (See also CHW Goal 4)
- TC Goal 6
San Antonio utilizes technology and other innovative services and solutions to ensure predictable and reliable travel throughout the city.
- TC Goal 7
San Antonio’s roadway system has managed congestion and is efficient for residents and businesses.
- TC Goal 8
San Antonio is a world leader in moving people and goods safely, efficiently and sustainably.
Transportation and Connectivity Policies
TC P1: Prioritize transportation projects that manage congestion based on objective criteria to evaluate long-term cost effectiveness and value.
TC P2: Prioritize transportation projects and investments based on the ability to reduce emissions and vehicle miles travelled (VMT).
TC P3: Implement policies and programs based on objective criteria to consider full life cycle costs (including capital construction and maintenance as well as the full range of benefits (mobility, safety, economic development, quality of life, etc.)) in cost-benefit analysis of transportation projects.
TC P4: Provide funding to maintain and expand a multimodal transportation system in a cost-effective, equitable, accessible and efficient manner.
TC P5: Increase cost effectiveness and efficiency through coordinated project timing with other projects, other agencies and private development, thus avoiding costs of deferred maintenance.
TC P6: Develop procedures to incorporate multimodal improvements during the maintenance phase of roadways.
TC P7: Expand safe pedestrian and bicycle networks and transit options/access to encourage non-automobile travel alternatives. (See also NRES P40)
TC P8: Prioritize transportation improvements that will incorporate multiple modes of travel and will provide connections between those modes.
TC P9: Continue to encourage and implement programs and projects that make the City’s bicycle network more accessible, direct and continuous in order to increase bicycling safety and opportunities for daily bicycle travel for riders of all levels and abilities. (See also CHW P24)
TC P10: Invest in furthering the momentum of the City’s current river and trail investments for multi-use paths and multimodal connectivity.
TC P11: Develop a safe and convenient pedestrian travel network with sidewalks and trails integrated into the transportation system and activity areas such as schools, libraries, shopping and neighborhood centers. (See also CHW P28)
TC P12: Prioritize safe accommodation and alternative routes for people walking, bicycling and at transit stops during street reconstruction.
TC P13: Develop and implement specific maintenance procedures for pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
TC P14: Incorporate multimodal opportunities to ensure access and use of transportation facilities.
TC P15: Identify and prioritize bicycle infrastructure improvements in areas where increased bicycle trip rates can best address congestion problems and provide options for commuting to places of employment.
TC P16: Ensure the engineering and design of transportation facilities provides for the safety of all users.
TC P17: Identify and implement regulations to improve the safety of people walking and bicycling.
TC P18: Prioritize and maintain safe pedestrian crossings and continue supporting and implementing Safe Routes to School and Safe Routes to Transit programs.
TC P19: Invest in infrastructure and amenities that provide shade and increase the comfort of pedestrians and waiting transit riders.
TC P20: Accommodate the specific mobility and wayfinding needs of disabled individuals in all transportation modes.
TC P21: Increase parking facility safety with design that minimizes conflicts between vehicles and people walking and bicycling.
TC P22: Prioritize safety improvements and enhancements that effectively reduce crash and fatality rates and provide protection of the most vulnerable users (including children, seniors, persons with disabilities) and people walking and bicycling.
TC P23: Develop performance and safety criteria for periodic evaluation of roadways and right-of-way.
TC P24: Incentivize transit supportive development opportunities and incorporate transit supportive infrastructure improvements to promote transit use.
TC P25: Develop incentives and zoning regulations to encourage transit-supportive development.
TC P26: Encourage and invest in pedestrian-scaled streetscapes that promote placemaking and encourage walking and bicycling.
TC P27: Encourage and invest in transportation infrastructure investments that also serve to strengthen social networks.
TC P28: Assess and implement placemaking opportunities when developing transportation projects.
TC P29: Prioritize construction and maintenance of sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian lighting in neighborhoods, retail and employment areas within a half mile of major transit stops and stations.
TC P30: Design commercial, residential, educational, cultural, and recreational facilities that support and provide access to and all transportation modes.
TC P31: Encourage and invest in transportation network improvements that support economic development.
TC P32: Leverage multimodal transportation improvements in San Antonio as attractors of businesses and talent.
TC P33: Work with other regional transportation agencies to improve San Antonio’s overall transportation network to enhance connectivity and efficiency.
TC P34: Partner with and support the Lone Star Rail District to pursue regional rail between San Antonio and Austin is implemented.
TC P35: Continuously identify, investigate and incorporate new and emerging transportation technology and innovative solutions to improve efficiency.
TC P36: Promote Transportation Demand Management (TDM) tools to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per person and manage peak hour congestion.
TC P37: Utilize technology and other innovative solutions for improving and prioritizing transit reliability, especially on major routes and corridors.
TC P38: Test and implement options that provide reliable transportation alternatives through pricing and accessibility, such as managed lanes, high occupancy vehicle (HOV)/high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, ramp metering, etc.
TC P39: Optimize intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and traffic signal systems to provide reliable travel times throughout the city.
TC P40: Support development of autonomous and connected vehicle systems and plan for implementation in design.
TC P41: Utilize managed motorways strategies to address reliability at a system-wide level. Managed Motorways is an innovative solution that provides real-time traffic management of the entire system – freeways, frontage roads and arterials.
TC P42: Develop incident management strategies to maintain travel reliability on major roadways.
TC P43: Continuously assess and integrate technological and design improvements that will move San Antonio to the forefront of safe, efficient and sustainable transportation systems design and infrastructure.
TC P44: Protect and enhance the environment through responsible, compatible and sustainable transportation projects.
TC P45: Improve public health by supporting active transportation technologies and infrastructure that encourage walking and bicycling.
TC P46: Provide community education to increase awareness of rules, appropriate behavior, and etiquette for drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians and transit riders.
TC P47: Invest in public education and outreach about the regional benefits of a robust, interconnected transit system.
TC P48: Support and invest in intermodal transportation facilities that safely, effectively and efficiently provide for the transfer of people and goods between modes.
TC P49: Ensure resiliency in the transportation network and preparedness for system operations and management during natural or man-made emergencies.